'What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.'
(Philippians 4:9 ESV)
Who are your examples?
I don't mean just your role models, those people you look up to and admire, but who do you actually imitate in your daily walk?
Do you imitate those people in your life who seem to have it all together? Do you try to be like that pastor whose blog you follow? What about that motivational speaker who demonstrates such godly characteristics in her speaking and writing? Do you value her humility? Honesty? Spiritual strength? Do you appreciate his knowledge of spiritual things? Or his freedom to participate in a wider cultural context than the people that sit around you in church? Do you admire her boldness in speaking her mind, even when she might have done so with more tact?
What character traits do you admire and try to cultivate? Or do you just look and think "I'll never be _______ like that"?
Who do you associate with? Whose minds and actions are you learning, receiving, hearing, and seeing?
Are you aware of all the examples that impact you on a daily basis? The people you spend the most time with are the ones most likely to impact your daily walk and your character.
The people you live with and encounter on a daily basis are not the only examples before you. The characters in that movie or TV show? Examples. The characters in the fiction book you just read? Examples. The author of that magazine article? The author of that non-fiction book? The people in that funny/not-so-funny commercial? All of them are your examples.
Who (fictional or non-fictional) are you spending time with? Are they truly admirable? Do they demonstrate Christian virtues? Courage, honesty, humility, patience, prudence, self-restraint, diligence, love, etc.
Or are they examples of what not to do? How are these no-so-lovely characters presented? Are they portrayed as admirable? Are they the hero/anti-hero? Are you aware of the influence these characters have on how you live your own life?
Maybe you don't follow a specific example. Maybe you follow the example of what you think you should be. But perhaps that "should-be" isn't God's plan for you, and yet you try to follow it anyway, because that is what the people (fictional or non-fictional) you "hang out with" tell you you should be. Maybe you don't even realize that you are following this example--you've never thought about it or questioned it--but you blindly try to conform to it anyway. Maybe it has even become something you covet.
Just something to think about:
Who are your examples?
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